Page 23 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 23

                                                                           6  ETS Field Days

          size measured 1 x 2 meters. One half of the plot
          was devoted to rolling 4X weekly and the other
          half was not rolled. Ratings were taken on select
          dates by counting the number of dollar spot infec-
          tion centers. Means were subject to an analysis of
          variance and were separated using Fisher’s LSD
          test (P < 0.05).


             * Sapporo Golf Club Yuni Course: rolling re-
            duced dollar spot compared to the non-rolled
            in all treatments. Minimal differences were
            observed among the fertilizer treatments,
            however, all fertilizers did reduce dollar spot
            more than untreated. This experiment indicat-
            ed that rolling and fertilizer application could
            reduce dollar spot up 65% more than no roll-
            ing or fertilizer application.
             * Star Hue Country Club: Rolling reduced dollar
            spot in all treatments compared to non-rolled
            (Fig. 1, page 18, and 2). Fertilizers that consist-
            ed of urea as the main source (Urea and Poly-
            on)  were  the  top-rated  fertilizer  treatments   Figure 2 Experimental plot demonstrating no-rolled
            (Fig. 1, page 18). Overall, all rolled treatments   plot significantly infested with dollar spot at Star
            reduced dollar spot by more than 90% when   Hue CC, Korea (picture taken on July 15, 2016).
            compared to the non-rolled untreated.

                                                  cies-specificity was observed in this study, nor was
          Discussion                              there  any  specificity  observed  between  rolling
                                                  machines  in  our  previous  studies.  Consequently,
          These fairway rolling experiments using Tru Turf   the potential of reducing fungicide applications
          FR-108 rolling head mounted on Jacobson fair-  with fairway rolling under nitrogen applications
          way mowers showed the potential to reduce dollar   could offer an economically and environmental-
          spot infection substantially if rolling programs are   ly friendly solution for dollar spot management.
          used regardless of turfgass species composition at   A deeper investigation of the factors influencing
          golf courses fairways in Asia. Overall, both loca-  mechanisms of fairway rolling on dollar spot re-
          tions showed the potential for a 65-90% reduction   duction is undergoing.
          in dollar spot compared to non-rolled untreated
          plots. These disease reductions could substantially
          reduce fungicide inputs on fairway turfgrass. In   Acknowledgement
          addition to reduced dollar spot incidence, other
          benefits were also observed including increased   Our sincere appreciation goes to superintendents
          quality, firmer surfaces and broadleaf reduction,   at respective golf courses. We extend our grati-
          as well as thatch compression and/or reduction.   tude to Tru-Turf’s funding for the study and deliv-
          Furthermore, we concluded that no turfgrass spe-  ery of a fairway roller to each country.

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