Page 21 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 21

                                                                           6  ETS Field Days

          The Effect of Fairway Rolling on Dollar

          Spot Suppression on Golf Courses

          Geunhwa Jung, Stockbridge School of Agriculture, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003;
          Toshihiko Yamada, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

          Introduction                            cide use is restricted.
                                                  Rolling is an alternative cultural practice original-
          Dollar spot, caused by the ascomycete fungus   ly incorporated into management programs to
          Sclerotinia homoeocarpa (now Clarireedia spp.),   improve speed on putting greens. In the last 25
          is the most economically important turfgrass   years, much of the work done to explore the prac-
          disease causing significant damage to turfgrass   tice of rolling has been done at Michigan State
          swards throughout the growing season on golf   University under the direction of Dr. Thomas Ni-
          courses worldwide. Fungicide applications to   kolai, where researchers examined the impact
          control dollar spot during the growing season   of lightweight rolling on performance of putting
          account  for  a  significant  portion  of  golf  course   greens, specifically. In addition to improvements
          maintenance budgets, especially on fairways.   in performance and speed, Nikolai’s research
          Furthermore, reducing fungicide applications on   group  also  observed  other  agronomic  benefits
          fairways could considerably reduce overall pesti-  of the practice as well, including a reduction in
          cide usage on golf courses, thus saving substan-  dollar spot incidence. Similarly, improvements in
          tial amounts of money and allowing for resource   performance and reduction in dollar spot have
          allocation towards other maintenance practices.   also been anecdotally reported on golf course
          Moreover, with ever growing pressure to reduce   fairways where rolling programs on fairways
          pesticide usage due to environmental concerns,   have  been  initiated.  Therefore,  University  of
          golf course fairways serve as an excellent place   Massachusetts  Amherst  has  begun  a  first  fair-
          to develop management alternatives where pesti-  way rolling project funded by New York State

          Photo 1 Tru-Turf FR-108 rolling head mounted on Jacobsen fairway mower at Star Hue CC, Korea.

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