Page 22 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 22



                Ammonium sulfate
                                                                No Roll
                        Polyon                                  Roll 4X/wk

                Ammonium sulfate
                             0        12.5       25        37.5       50        62.5

          Figure 1 Effect of fairway rolling and various fertilizers on dollar spot uppression (rating on July, 2016) at Star Hue CC, Korea.

          Turfgrass  Association  (NYSTA)  and  New  En-  fertilizers and fairway rolling using Tru Turf
          gland  Regional  Turfgrass  Foundation  (NERTF)   FR-108 rolling heads on dollar spot control.
          in 2015 to examine the practice of rolling using
          a Smithco Fairway Ultra 10 Roller and confirm
          its potential to reduce fairway fungicide applica-  Materials and Methods
          tions for dollar spot while also determining proper
          rolling frequencies and exploring interactions with   Field  efficacy  testing  was  conducted  at  Sappo-
          bio-control products and nitrogen fertilizers. In   ro Golf Club Yuni Course, Hokkaido, Japan and
          brief, in comparison to non-rolled plots, increased   The Star Hue Country Club, Yangpyeong, Korea.
          fairway rolling frequencies at 3X, 4X and 6X per   The trial was conducted on perennial ryegrass at
          week increased dollar spot reduction by 40-60%,   Sapporo GC Yuni and on Kentucky bluegrass at
          with a positive correlation between reduced clip-  Star Hue CC. Rolling began at each course in mid-
          ping yields and increased rolling frequency. Addi-  May, 2016 and was applied Tuesdays and Thurs-
          tionally, a substantial reduction in dollar spot was   days as a double roll for a total of 4 rolling passes
          observed while rolling (4 times per week, Tuesday   over the experimental plots each week using a Tru
          and Thursday, double roll) and applying 0.20 lb   Turf FR-108 rolling head mounted on Jacobson
          nitrogen/1,000 ft2 every 14 days. Yet, there are   fairway mowers (Photo 1, page 17). Fertilizer treat-
          still more questions on whether dollar spot reduc-  ments were applied on May 19, July 7 and August
          tion by fairway rolling is affected by different turf-  10 at Sapporo GC and May 24, June 14 and July
          grass species or different rolling machines.  5  at  Star  Hue  CC.  Urea  (46-0-0),  ammonium
          Therefore, the main objectives of the 2017 study   sulfate (13-2-13 and 21-0-0), organic fertilizer (Se-
          were:                                   ablend, 12-0-12) was applied at 1.22 g/m  on all
             * determine the effect of fairway rolling using   application dates (Fig. 1). Polyon (polymer coated
            Tru Turf FR-108 rolling heads to control dol-  urea, 41-0-0) was applied at 7.32 g/m  once on
            lar spot on Kentucky bluegrass and perennial   the first application date at both locations.
            ryegrass fairways on golf courses.    Field trial plots were arranged in a randomized
             * determine the interactive effect of common   complete block design, with four replications. Plot

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