Page 25 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 25

                                                                           6  ETS Field Days

          Figure 2 Color-enhanced image of plots in the   Figure 3 Researchers at Rutgers University are evaluating
          nearinfrared (NIR) band on 31 August 2015. Percentages   methods to reduce fungicide usage on golf course
          denote evapotranspiration (ET) replacement irrigation   fairways. Bentgrass cultivars with dollar resistance can
          treatments. Dark green(high) indicates more turf biomass   help the golf course become more sustainable (Rutgers
          (Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, U.S.A).  University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A).

          and Wildlife Foundation, provide valuable in-  Putting Green Construction
          formation on how mammals, birds, fish, reptiles,
          and amphibians use the golf course. In 1990, the  The USGA continues to improve the recommen-
          USGA established the Audubon Cooperative  dations for putting green construction. This meth-
          Sanctuary Program in cooperation with Audubon  od is the most method of green construction that
          International. Currently, the USGA is supporting  provides consistent playing conditions worldwide.
          new research on the ecosystem services, such as  To some degree, the USGA putting green rec-
          carbon storage, stormwater management, and  ommendations have helped expand the game of
          heat island reduction that golf courses provide to  golf throughout the world. This method provides
          a community.                            the best chance to have quality greens because it

          Pesticide and Nutrient Fate

          The USGA research showed that proper applica-
          tion of pesticides and nutrients would not negative-
          ly impact the environment. However, this research
          also demonstrated that quality turfgrass could be
          produced with fewer pesticide and fertilizer appli-
          cations. Since 2005, golf courses in the U.S. have
          reduced nitrogen use by 35 percent (31,000 tons
          annually) and phosphorous by 53 percent (17,000
          tons  annually).  USGA  research  showed  tall  veg-
          etation along ponds and streams protect water
          quality.  However,  pesticide  use  has  remained  at   Figure 4 The number of dollar spot infection centers in
          the same level since 2005, and more needs to be   highly susceptible (red lines), moderately susceptible (orange
          done in the area. The USGA is actively supporting   lines), and more tolerant (green lines) bentgrass cultivars
                                                  and dollar spot risk index (black line) calculated using a
          disease forecasting models and the introduction of   weather-based, logistic regression model during 2015
          new turfgrass cultivars with disease resistance.  (Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A).

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