Page 29 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 29

6  ETS Field Days

          Photo 4 Acidification plant in the pumping station.  Photo 5 Instrumental control of trees.

          Nature Conservation at the Golf Course  A new bunker construction technique:
                                                  comparison of maintenance costs
          Operation Pollinator was recently launched by
          the experts of the “Esapolis”, the Insect Museum  Bunkers maintenance is certainly an important
          of Padova. After conducting a census of the in-  and expensive part of golf course management.
          sects and plants found at the golf course (Photo  In fact, bunkers need to be regularly checked
          3,  page  24),  the  researchers  evaluated  how  to  and maintained because vegetation can develop
          create new habitats for insects to attract birdlife.  around and within its borders, the sand is contam-
          One of the ways is by introducing scents that can  inated by dirt or gravel or is washed out. Three
          attract insects that will, in turn, attract birds.   materials to avoid contaminating the sand and to
          The operation also intends to focus the attention  limit the growth of weeds were tested. Zoysia ma-
          of members of the golf course towards the beauty  trella, a species characterized by a slow growth
          of the natural environment in which the course is  was planted on the edges of the bunkers. Techni-
          included by, among other things, positioning bee-  cal and economic analyses were made.
          hives to produce honey along its paths.

                                                  Studies presently underway
          The role of Golf della Montecchia
          in protecting nature                    Studies presently underway are:
                                                      * Examining the advantages at using irrigation
          The staff of Golf della Montecchia has long been   water acidification system to control the soil
          working to maintain and enhance all aspects   pH (Photo 4);

          of the natural environment including wild grass  * Comparing mechanical system to control
          areas,  acquatic  and  riparian  vegetation  in  the   broad leaf weeds;

          ponds and woodlands. These interventions have  * Evaluating protocols to control Spring Dead
          increased the space for wildlife particularly in   Spot (Ophiosphaerella spp.) on bermudagrass
          anthropized environments. In 2017 using the cen-  and dollar spot (Sclerotinia homeocarpa) on
          sus carried out by the National Italian Institute   creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera);
          for Wildlife, researchers were able to verify that  * Monitoring and manage tree heritage (Photo 5).

          the area of the golf course have a larger quanti-
          ty and density of wild species with respect to the
          surrounding area. Nine of these species are con-
          sidered as conservation priority.

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