Page 151 - SuDS
P. 151

SuDS - Soluzioni progettuali tipo di infrastrutture
                           verdi per la gestione delle acque meteoriche
                          Raffaele BonsignoRi, giulio senes

               TO-2  Federatie,  2016.  “Designing  Green  and  Blue
               Infrastructure to Support Healthy Urban Living”.
               Warrington  Borough  Council,  2017.  “Sustainable

               Drainage  Systems  (SuDS)  Design  and  Technical

               ZinCo GmbH, 2018. “Biodiversity Green Roof.  ZinCo
               Green Roof Systems”.

               ZinCo  GmbH,  2018.  “Green  Roof  4.0.  Systems  for
               Roof Utilisation for the Future. Planning Guide”.
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