Page 148 - SuDS
P. 148

SuDS -
                                                                                                                    Soluzioni progettuali
                                                                                                                SuDS - Soluzioni progettuali tipo di infrastrutture
                                                                                                                                  tipo di infrastrutture
                                                                                                                    verdi per la gestione delle acque meteoriche
                                                                                                                       verdi per la gestione delle acque meteoriche
                                                                                                                          R aff aele  B onsigno R i ,  g iulio   s enes
                                                                                                                          Raffaele BonsignoRi, giulio senes
               Bibliografia consultata                         CIRIA, 2017. “Guidance on the Construction of SuDS”.  Credit  Valley  Conservation,  2016.  “Low  Impact
                                                                                                               Development Road Retrofits: Optimizing Your

               AIAPP,   2019.   “Progettare   il   cambiamento.   Città Metropolitana di Genova, 2020. “Infrastrutture   Infrastructure   Assets   through   Low   Impact
               Stormwater  Management.  Cambiamenti  climatici  e   verdi  per  l’adattamento  ai  cambiamenti  climatici.   Development”.
               nuove soluzioni perla gestione dell’acqua in città”.  Strategie  e indicazioni  progettuali per la gestione
                                                               sostenibile  delle  acque  meteoriche  urbane  nell’area   Credit  Valley  Conservation,  2016.  “Low  Impact

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               T.,  Száraz,L.,  Van  der  Jagt,  A.,  Hansen,R.,  Rall,                                        Business  and  Multi-Residential  Optimizing  Your

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               2017.  Innovative  Governance  for  Urban  Green   and Green Street Project”.
               Infrastructure:  A  Guide  for  Practitioners.  GREEN                                           Credit  Valley  Conservation,  2016.  “Low  Impact

               SURGE  project  Deliverable  6.3,  University  of   City  of  Philadelphia,  2014.  “Green  Streets  Design   Development  Public  Lands  Retrofits:  Optimizing
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                                                                                                               through Low Impact Development”.
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               Guide to Design, Adoption and Maintenance”.     Biodiverse Green Roofs”.                        Credit  Valley  Conservation,  2016.  “Low  Impact

                                                                                                               Development   Residential   Retrofits:   Engaging
               Calvert,  T.,  Sinnett,  D.,  Smith,  N.,  Jerome,  G.,   Comitato  per  lo  sviluppo  del  verde  pubblico,  2017.   Residents to Adopt Low Impact Development on their

               Burgess,  S.,  King,  L.,  2018.  Setting  the  Standard   “Linee  guida  per  il  governo  sostenibile  del  verde   Properties”.
               for  Green  Infrastructure:  The  Need  for,  and   urbano”.
               Features  of,  a  Benchmark  in  England,  Planning                                             Credit  Valley  Conservation,  2012.  “Low  Impact

               Practice  and  Research,  33:5,  558-573,  DOI:   Comune di Reggio Emilia, 2014. “Linee guide per la   Development Construction Guide. Version 1.0”
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