Page 149 - SuDS
P. 149

SuDS - Soluzioni progettuali tipo di infrastrutture
                          SuDS -  Soluzioni progettuali  tipo di infrastrutture
                             verdi per la gestione delle acque meteoriche
                          verdi per la gestione delle acque meteoriche
                          R aff aele  B onsigno R i ,  g iulio   s enes
                          Raffaele BonsignoRi, giulio senes
               Darlington Borough Council. “Tees Valley Sustainable   European Commission, 2014. “A guide to support the   Gauteng  City-Region  Observatory,  2013.  “State  of
               Drainage  Systems  (SuDS)  Guidance.  Design  Guide   selection,  design  and  impletementation  of  Natural   Green Infrastructure in the Gauteng City-Region”.
               and Local Standards”.                           Water Retention Measures in Europe. Capturing the

                                                               multiple benefits of nature-based solutions”    Gauteng  City-Region  Observatory,  2016.  “A
               Derzken,  M.L.,  van  Teeffelen,  A.J.A.,  Verburg,                                             Framework  for  a  Green  Infrastructure  Planning
               P.H.,  2016.  Green  infrastructure  for  urban  climate   European  Commission,  2015.  “Towards  an  EU   Approach in the Gauteng City-Region”.

               adaptation:  how  do  residents’  views  on  climate   Research  and  Innovation  policy  agenda  for  Nature-
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               preferences?  Environmental  Geography  Group,   of the Horizon 2020 Expert Group on ‘Nature-Based   2015.  Gestione  sostenibile  delle  acque  urbane.
               Department  of  Earth  Sciences,  Vrije  Universiteit   Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities’. Full Version”.  Manuale  di  drenaggio  urbano.  Perché,  cosa,  come.
               Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1087, 1081 HV Amsterdam,                                                Regione Lombardia, ERSAF, Milano.

               The Netherlands                                 European  Commission,  2019.  “Strategic  Green
                                                               Infrastructure and Ecosystem Restoration. Geospatial   Goyder  Institute  for  Water  Research,  2014.  “Water

               ERSAF, 2016. “A regola d’acqua. Guida per la gestione   methods, data and tolls”.               Sensitive Urban Design Impediments and Potential:
               delle acque nella pianificazione e regolamentazione                                             Contributions to the SA Urban Water Blueprint. Post-
               comunale”.                                      European  Environment  Agency,  2014.  “Spatial   implementation  Assessment  and  Impediments  to

                                                               analysis of green infrastructure in Europe”. ISBN: 978-  WSUD”.
               European  Commission,  2013.”Building  a  Green   92-9213-421-1. ISSN: 1725-2237. DOI: 10.2800/11170.
               Infrastructure for Europe”. ISBN: 978-92-79-33428-3.                                            Goyder  Institute  for  Water  Research,  2014.  “Water

               DOI: 10.2779/54125.                             Forest   Research,   2010.   Benefits   of   Green   Sensitive Urban Design Impediments and Potential:
                                                               Infrastructure.  Report  to  Defra  and  CLG.  Forest   Contributions to the Urban Water Blueprint (Phase 1).
                                                               Research, Farnham.                              Task 3: The Potential Role of WSUD in Urban Service


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