Page 150 - SuDS
P. 150

SuDS -  Soluzioni progettuali  tipo di infrastrutture
                                                                                                                SuDS - Soluzioni progettuali tipo di infrastrutture
                                                                                                                     verdi per la gestione delle acque meteoriche

                                                                                                                    verdi per la gestione delle acque meteoriche
                                                                                                                          R aff aele  B onsigno R i ,  g iulio   s enes
                                                                                                                          Raffaele BonsignoRi, giulio senes
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               Environments, University of the West of England &   climatique, 2019. “Des solutions fondées sur la Nature   The Scottish Government, 2011. “Green Infrastructure
               Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, United Kingdom.  pour s’adapter au changement climatique”.      Design and Placemaking”.

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               "Delivering  Benefits  Through  Evidence.  Cost   Report on best practices for limiting soil sealing and

               Estimation for SUDS - Summary of Evidence".     mitigating its effects.

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