Page 147 - SuDS
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Soluzioni progettuali
                          SuDS -
                          SuDS - Soluzioni progettuali tipo di infrastrutture
                                            tipo di infrastrutture
                          verdi per la gestione delle acque meteoriche
                             verdi per la gestione delle acque meteoriche
                          R aff aele  B onsigno R i ,  g iulio   s enes
                          Raffaele BonsignoRi, giulio senes
               Delaware  Department  of  Natural  Resources  and   Hsieh,  C.H.  and  A.P.  Davis,  2005.  Multiple-Event   TRCA (Toronto and Region Conservation Academy),
               Environmental  Control  (DNREC),  2016.  “The  Green   Study of Bioretention for Treatment of Urban Storm   2006.  “Evaluation  of  an  Extensive  Greenroof  York
               Infrastructure Primer for Delaware”.            Water Runoff. Water Science and Technology. 51(3-  University.  Sustainable  Technologies  Evaluation

                                                               4): 177-181.                                    Program”.
               Dietz, M.E. and J.C. Clausen, 2005. A field evaluation
               of rain garden flow and pollutant treatment. Water   Hunt,  W.F,  2003.  Bioretention  Use  and  Research   TRCA (Toronto and Region Conservation Academy),

               Air and Soil Pollution. Vol. 167. No. 2. pp. 201-208.  in  North  Carolina  and  other  Mid-Atlantic  States.   2006.  “Performance  Evaluation  of  Rainwater
                                                               North Carolina State University Water Quality Group   Harvesting Systems”. Final Draft Report. Sustainable

               Emilsson,  T.,  Czemiel  Berndtsson,  J.,  Mattson,   Newsletter. NWQEP Notes. 109. North Carolina State   Technologies Evaluation Program (STEP)
               J.E.,  Rolf,  R,  2007.  Effect  of  using  conventional   University. Raleigh, NC.
               and controlled  release  fertilizer on  nutrient runoff                                         UACDC  (University  of  Arkansas  Community  Design

               from  various  vegetated  roof  systems.  Ecological   Masseroni,  D.,  Massara,  F.,  Gandolfi,  C.,  Bischetti,   Center),  2010.  “LID  –  Low  Impact  Development:  a
               Engineering. Vol. 29. pp. 260-271.              G.B., 2018. Manuale sulle buone pratiche di utilizzo   design manual for urban areas”.

                                                               dei sistemi di drenaggio urbano sostenibile.
               Greater  Vancouver  Regional  District  (GVRD),  2005.                                          University  of  Tennessee,  2013.  “Low  impact
               “Stormwater Source Control Design Guidelines”.  Pelletier,  K.  and  O'Neil-Dunne,  J.,  2011.  Green   development opportunities for the PlanET

                                                               Infrastructure Plan
               How  Much  Soil  Do  You  Need  to  Grow  a  Big  Tree?,   Perlite Italiana, Perlite Italiana. Giardini pensili. www.
               DeepRoot Green Infrastructure for Your Community.

               -  Ottobre  2021.  -
               entries/how-much-soil-do-you-need-to-grow-a-big-  Philadelphia Water Department, 2014. “Green City,
               tree/.                                          Clean  Waters.  Green  Infrastructure  Maintenance


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