Page 8 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 8


           A                                       B

           C                                       D

          Photo 1 Precision Sense 6000 mobile, multi-sensor data acquisition unit (A), a 4-disc Veris Q1000 soil EC
          mapping system (B), unmanned aerial vehicle (C), and mobile electromagnetic induction device (D).

          It was recommended from the results of this study   tween periods of rainfall versus irrigation. Spatial
          that turfgrass managers begin with a 4.8 m x 9.6   variability of SH was not influenced substantially
          m sampling grid to conduct a baseline standard of   by soil moisture condition, but rather the com-
          agronomic properties when soil is near field capac-  bined effect of PR and turfgrass cover on each
          ity. Subsequent sampling should be conducted un-  sampling date. Spatial maps of VWC collected
          der similar soil moisture conditions with the baseline   after a rainfall event may provide insight into the
          used for comparison over time. The sampling grid   infiltration  and  drainage  capabilities  of  a  turf-
          can be adjusted depending on the variability of the   grass site, whereas data collected after irrigation
          agronomic property and desired accuracy.   are likely best for assessing malfunctioning irriga-
          Further research examined PR and surface hard-  tion heads. Spatial maps of SH may be useful for
          ness (SH) on the basis of VWC resulting from ei-  the delineation of site-specific cultivation zones,
          ther rainfall or irrigation. The spatial variability of   since the spatial distribution of SH was not influ-
          VWC and PR appeared to be most affected be-  enced by soil moisture.

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