Page 10 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 10


          Photo 1 Festuca arundinacea cut at 2.6 cm by an autonomous mower.

            constant mowing height caused the creeping   reel mower. A three-way factor experimental
            weed species to grow sideways, since the turf-  design was adopted. Factor A consisted of four
            grass offered no competition for light. N fer-  nitrogen  rates  (0,  50,  100  and  150  kg•ha ),
            tilization  increased  turf  quality  and  mowing   factor B consisted of two mowing systems (au-
            quality, and also reduced spontaneous weed   tonomous mower vs. walk-behind gasoline reel
            infestation. Autonomous  mowing increased   mower with no clipping removal), and factor C
            turf quality, mowing quality, but also the per-  consisted of two mowing heights (1.2 and 3.6
            centage of spontaneous weed cover (Pirchio   cm). The interaction between mowing system
            et al., 2018a).                          and mowing height showed that the turf quali-
             * Autonomous mowers have several advantag-  ty was higher when the turf was mowed by the
            es over manually - operated mowers but they   autonomous mower and at 1.2 cm rather than
            are not designed to mow lower than 2.0 cm   at 3.6 cm. Autonomous mowing reduced mow-
            and are consequently not used on close mowed   ing quality but also reduced leaf width. Lower
            turfs. An ordinary autonomous mower was   mowing height induced thinner leaves. N fer-
            modified  to  obtain  a  prototype  autonomous   tilization increased overall turf quality, reduced
            mower cutting at a low height. The prototype   weed cover percentage, but also reduced
            autonomous mower was tested on a manila   mowing quality. These results show that auton-
            grass  (Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr.) turf, and   omous mowers can perform low mowing even
            compared its performance in terms of turf   on tough-to-mow turfgrass species and on high
            quality and energy consumption with an ordi-  quality sports turfs (Pirchio et al., 2018b).

            nary autonomous mower and with a gasoline  * Warm-season turfgrasses can be grown suc-

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