Page 5 - Transitioning Turfgrass
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                                                                           6  ETS Field Days

          The 6  European Turfgrass
          Society Field Days

          Padova (IT) 27 -28  May 2019

          The European Turfgrass Society is pleased to wel-  Turfgrasses is facing weather extremes due to cli-
          come ETS members and other turfgrass specialists   mate change (e.g. pronounced drought and hot
          to the 6  ETS Field Days 2019 in Padova, Italy.  waves, heavy rain, etc), legislation restrictions and
          The ETS organizes its Field Days every two   various environmental challenges. That means it’s
          years: Valencia – Spain (2009), Ghent – Belgium   even more difficult to maintain the turf quality in
          (2011), Monte Carlo – Monaco (2013), Helsingør   the transition zone.
          – Denmark (2015), and Brno – Czech Republic   The Department of Agronomy Food Natural re-
          (2017) were the previous hosts of this internation-  sources Animals and Environment (DAFNAE) is
          al Field Days.                          part of the University of Padova, one of Europe’s
          Italy has been chosen to host the event in 2019,   oldest, that was first established in 1222.
          the 27 -28  May 2019, in the heart of the Veneto   DAFNAE works nowadays to combine innova-
          region, home to beautiful natural scenery and in-  tive  teaching and up-to-date  research  with its
          ternationally renowned works of art. The meeting   advanced laboratories and experimental farm
          venue is the Hotel Sporting, at the Radisson Blu   at Agripolis, a modern university campus de-
          Resort, Terme di Galzignano (Padova).   voted to educational and research activites at
          The seminars will be held at the University of   excellent levels.
          Padova on the morning of the 27 , and at the   The mission of DAFNAE is to promote the qual-
          Golf della Montecchia on the morning of the 28 ,   ity of human life, the competitiveness of the agri-
          while the afternoons of both days will be dedicat-  food sector, and the sustainable use of biotic and
          ed to the technical visits.             abiotic natural resources, through the production
          The Organising Conveners of the Field Days,   and dissemination of knowledge of the manage-
          Dr. Stefano Macolino, University of Padova and   ment and improvement of plants, animals, soil
          Dr. Alessandro De Luca, Italian Golf Federation,   and microorganisms.
          chose the theme  “Transitioning Turfgrasses”  for   The Golf della Montecchia, a 27 holes golf course
          these international Field Days for the peculiar cli-  founded in 1988, is fully committed on environ-
          mate of this area and of Italy in general.  ment since many years, as show by the numbers
          The Transition Zone is so named because of the   of awards received (GEO, INV, IAGTO).
          alternance  between  cool  season  grasses  and   Right  now,  9  holes  are  under  a  sustainable  golf
          warm season grasses. There is no one grass type   course management program,  according  to  the
          that best fits this area. Its winter temperatures can   “Biogolf Protocol”, a result from the cooperation be-
          be too cold for some warm season grasses and too   tween the Federazione Italiana Golf (FIG), the Golf
          hot in the summer for some cool season grasses.  Environment Organisation (GEO) and other major
          With the introduction of the EU Directive on the   Italian environmental organizations, like Legambi-
          sustainable use of pesticide, it’s forbidden to apply   ente, Federparchi and Fondazione Univerde.
          these products. Furthermore, the management of   The management has insisted especially in the

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