Page 13 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 13

6  ETS Field Days

          Photo 1 Turfgrass species/commercial varieties show different leaf texture and green colour.

          Challenges                                 the mix will tolerate some biotic and abiotic
                                                     stresses more than the others saving the sward
          The main challenge is merely to have a green,   when difficulties appear. But the mix design
          dense and perennial turfgrass surface throughout   is not easy, as species/varieties will compete
          the year, as climatic conditions are very change-  with each other threatening the initial bal-
          able.  It  can  be  easy  to  achieve  when  turfgrass   ance. As a general rule, one should not include
          quality requirements are low as in big city parks   more than 50% of Lolium perenne in the mix
          or residential gardens, just using the only species   as it is very competitive during implantation,
          that is really adapted to the TZ, Festuca arun-  or one should not include less than 65% of
          dinacea. But it is really a big challenge when   Festuca arundinacea in the mix due to its tex-
          turfgrass quality standards are high, like in orna-  ture and growing habit. In the same way, it is
          mental gardens and sport facilities. In this case, a   unaesthetic to mix different leaf texture and/
          number of secondary issues appear and need to   or green colour species or varieties (Photo 1).
          be addressed like in an obstacle race:     However, it is possible to grow in the TZ just
             * Turfgrass  seed  mix  design:  mixing  2-3  spe-  one species/variety along the year (the case of
            cies or at least 2-3 commercial varieties with-  a golf course green) but it is a risky situation,
            in a species, is almost compulsory in the TZ   above all if there is no appropriate manage-
            in  order  to  achieve  a  high  quality  turfgrass   ment knowledge and input use.
            sward all year long. Some species/varieties of  * Turfgrass seed availability: turfgrass produc-

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