Page 12 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 12



          Challenges and Opportunities for

          Growing Grass in the Transition Zone

          Diego Gómez de Barreda Ferraz, Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia-Spain)

          In March 1998, James B. Beard published an ar-  almost  no  turfgrass  species  were  domesticated
          ticle on Golf Course Management entitled “The   there. That is the area we call the turfgrass Tran-
          origins of turfgrass species” (Beard, 1998). The au-  sition Zone (TZ).
          thor stated that each grass species tends to thrive   In the USA, the TZ is an almost rectangular area
          best under climate and soil conditions similar to   between northern cool humid regions and south-
          those in its region of origin. This obvious statement   ern warm humid regions (parallels 34 to 37). In
          was complemented by an “entertaining” descrip-  Europe that same area between parallels 34 and
          tion of the origin of each turfgrass genus, the sum-  37 does not exist in the same way since it involves
          mary of which can be observed in Table 1. Cool   mostly the Mediterranean Sea, but also regard-
          season grasses evolved almost exclusively in the   ing land area it includes the far South of Greece,
          cool Eurasian geographical regions in forest-mar-  Portugal and Spain and Sicily in Italy together
          gin areas, characterized by a cool temperate cli-  with northern areas of Morocco, Algeria and Tu-
          mate plus reasonably good precipitation and soil   nisia in Africa. However, in Europe the Mediter-
          fertility, while warm season species evolved close   ranean Sea has a big influence on coastal areas,
          to  the  equator  under  warm  and  sunny  climatic   softening the climate and increasing the TZ lati-
          conditions (Beard, 1998).               tude range until parallel 45 in coastal areas.
          That region of the world between the abovemen-  Growing turfgrass species in the TZ is a big chal-
          tioned climatic areas is also a great environment   lenge as they are not completely adapted to that
          for growing crops, in fact, the origin of agricul-  region with 4 different climatic seasons, but on
          ture began in that area, but according to Beard   the other hand it is a big opportunity.

                     COOL SEASON GENUS                      WARM SEASON GENUS
             Turfgrass genus      Origin zone        Turfgrass genus      Origin zone
                                                                    Eastern Africa, in the Kenyan
          Agrostis         Central Europe         Cynodon and Pennisetum
                                                                    and Uganda regions
          Festuca: (Tall fescue)  Southern part of Europe  Paspalum  East-central South America
                                                                    Southern China and the
          Festuca: (Fine fescues)  Cool forest regions of the Alps  Zoysia and Eremochloa
                                                                    rest of southeast Asia
                           Southern Europe and temperate            Eastern regions of the
                           regions of western Asia   Stenotaphrum
          Lolium                                                    American continents
                           around the Mediterranean   and Axonopus  including the West Indies
                           sea to northern Africa
                                                                    North America semi-arid
          Poa              Northern regions of Europe  Buchloe and Bouteloua
                                                                    and arid great plains
          Table 1: Origins of Turfgrass species (Beard, 1998).

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