Page 40 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 40


                                                  ute to reduce attacks, as mentioned in many pub-
                                                  lications, and some Superintendents according to
                                                  organic farming techniques increased the organic
                                                  fertilisation in order to help stimulate microbial
                                                  population in the soil. A lot of Superintendents
                                                  also applied biostimulants and amendments, and
                                                  they noted some good results mainly on recover-
                                                  ing after the pathogen attacks, but their effects
                                                  and application timing should be investigated in
                                                  order to increase the turf resistance to diseases.
                                                  Many golf courses converted turf from cold sea-
                                                  son to warm season grasses in order to reduce
                                                  inputs and contrast the weed invasion. The warm
                                                  season grasses (in particular bermuda grass) give
                                                  good results in Italy and now they are also used in
          Photo 3 Ophioshaerella spp. on Tifway bermudagrass.  the North, over the 45  parallel, that was consid-
                                                  ered the limit of the warm season grasses adapt-
                                                  ability. Bermudagrass is really tolerant in Italian
                                                  weather conditions to the main diseases, but in
                                                  the last years some attacks of spring dead spot
                                                  (Ophiosphaerella spp.) have been observed, fa-
                                                  vored by a lack of cultural practices and soil con-
                                                  ditions, conductive for the disease. Spring dead
                                                  spot should become a real problem, due to the
                                                  unavailability of fungicides effective against the
                                                  Annual  weeds  (particularly  Digitaria spp. and
                                                  Eleusine indica) as well as broadleaf weeds can-
                                                  not be controlled using chemicals, but only par-
                                                  tially reduced by cultural practices as verticutting
                                                  or spring harrowing on cool season grasses. Re-
          Photo 4 Digitaria spp. infestation at the end of the season.  peated harrowing has shown a good control on
                                                  clover, with some damage on turf. Non-chemical
                                                  methods were also adopted to control weeds on
                                                  bunkers  or  paths,  like  heat  or  warm  water,  in-
                                                  creasing  costs  and  requiring  repeated  applica-
                                                  tions compared with pesticides.
                                                  The adoption of the National Action Plan, it
                                                  seems to be too strict and we expect some chang-
                                                  es in the next review (about the possibility to use
                                                  some low toxicity chemicals or organic farming
                                                  authorised products), however it should be con-
                                                  sidered an opportunity for a more sustainable
                                                  maintenance. In any case, the expectations in
                                                  particular for golfers should be reduced accepting
                                                  a imperfect turf in some period of the year.
          Photo 5 Digitaria spp. infestation.

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