Page 35 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 35

                                                                           6  ETS Field Days

          a relatively small portion of the area to convert   two growing seasons with selective herbicides be-
          and the propagation material is positioned only   ing applied for cool season suppression.
          where such conditions exist.            Single plant transplanting is a technique for warm
          Strip sodding is a partial replacement of the ex-  season turfgrass establishment that has been de-
          isting turf. The main advantage is the reliability of   veloped from the technology of greenhouse hor-
          the establishment method and the cost reduction   ticulture. Single plants of turfgrass species are
          compared to complete re-sodding of the area.   produced in seed trays and mechanically trans-
          Nonetheless, it remains a labor and time consum-  planted in the field at the preferred density. Also,
          ing method.                             for this technique specific machinery is required to
          Row planting is a method of vegetative establish-  create furrows, deliver plants to a given place and
          ment. Planting machines with coulter disks open 5   press the soil to make good contact with the roots.
          cm deep slits at 15 cm centres and then press sprigs   In this case, competitive advantages with respect
          into the slits, allowing to use vegetative propaga-  to the existing turf lie in the propagation materi-
          tion material both on prepared soil or a desiccated   al itself that is represented by whole plans with
          turf. Row planting has been tested to establish the   shoots, leaves and a fully developed root system
          vegetatively propagated Patriot bermudagrass on   that start their active growth immediately after
          a mixed stand of Kentucky bluegrass and Peren-  transplant. Resistance to traffic is similar to that
          nial ryegrass. Results showed that 14 weeks after   of mature plants and occasional irrigation deficits
          planting the Bermudagrass cover was 81% where   are not as harmful as for germination seeds or
          the cool season stand had received no pre-planting   sprouting buds.
          treatment, while 93% and 100% where recorded   Whatever the method adopted some general
          where the pre-existing turf was strip killed or totally   considerations can be drawn. A period of at least
          killed before planting.                 two weeks of use suspension is required to allow
          Lower values have been reported with row plant-  frequent watering. As to turf quality, after prop-
          ing yielding a 30-40% bermudagrass ground   agation material is seeded or planted the quality
          cover at the end of the growing season when   of the surface may be acceptable for play but
          scalping was applied as pre-plant treatment.  objectionable for some: local rules for play should
          Strip seeding is the adaptation conventional seed-  be applied when a ball comes to rest on a seeded
          ing to narrow strips within an existing turf. A spe-  or transplanted spot. As to turf appearance un-
          cific piece of equipment has been developed in   pleasant visual quality occurs due to disturbed soil
          order to create 5 cm wide strips of tilled soil where   strips and during first winter due to non uniform
          seeds are positioned. Competition from untilled   browning. Non chemical weed control might be
          borders is further decreased by spraying a non se-  the most challenging task for turf managers that
          lective post-emergence herbicide that widens the   adopt a soft transition strategy.
          treated area to approx 7,5 cm. A press wheel en-
          sures good seed to soil contact, thus providing a
          further improvement of conditions for seed germi-
          nation. Reduced use of seed and herbicide (80%
          less), limited surface disruption (11% of the treated
          area) and ideal conditions for seed germination
          are the main advantages of this technique. Pub-
          lished data report a Riviera bermudagrass cover
          of 41% the year of planting and 71% cover the fol-
          lowing year with verticut applied as pre-seeding
          treatment. Strip seeding with zoysiagrass gave   Photo 1 Fully automated transplanting machine: details of the
          52% seeded zoysia ground cover in two growing   double disk coulters used for transplanting single plants into an
          season that rised to 73% and 90% the following   existing turf.

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