Page 39 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 39

6  ETS Field Days

          Management of the Main Issues

          Observed without the Use of Chemicals

          Massimo Mocioni, AntNet Srl, Alessandro De Luca, Italian Golf Federation, Green Section (Sutri, Italy)

          In Italy the introduction of the National Action   homoeocarpa), causal agent of dollar spot, that
          Plan on the sustainable use of pesticides has ac-  causes damages on turf particularly in spring
          tually reduced dramatically the authorised chem-  and autumn. The control strategies relied on IBS
          icals on turfgrass in public areas (including sport   fungicides (mainly propiconazole) that cannot be
          fields and golf courses). Only some products con-  used in  public areas, replaced by biofungicides
          taining Bacillus thuringiensis, one with chlorpyrifos   containing Trichoderma spp. Last year, severe at-
          as insecticides and two formulations of Trichoder-  tacks of dollar spot caused damages on bentgrass
          ma spp. as fungicides are authorised. No herbi-  and Poa annua greens and Trichoderma spp. for-
          cide is permitted as well as any other products   mulations showed a partial control, particularly if
          authorised and registered by Health Ministry as   the product was applied on a preventive basis in
          pesticides in organic farming. In this context the   spring, with a reduced efficacy in autumn when
          golf Superintendents and the turfgrass mainte-  the weather conditions were very conductive for
          nance workers have to adopt other control strat-  the disease; in many cases the signs of the disease
          egies  (in  particular  cultural  practices)  that  can   were visible until the following spring, causing an
          help to reduce pests. One of the most danger-  inadequate playability of the green surfaces. Also
          ous pests is Clarireedia spp. (formerly Sclerotinia   increased nitrogen fertilisation seems to contrib-

          Photo 1 Severe attacks of dollar spot on a golf green.  Photo 2 Ophioshaerella spp. on Miniverde bermudagrass.

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