Page 37 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 37

6  ETS Field Days

          Photo 2 Fairway conversion to Bermuda grass.  Photo 3 Spring dead spot.

          ter a European Union directive on pesticide use   with weekly averages being approximately 10mm
          was introduced into Italian law with the National   in rain free periods. The Bermuda grass greens
          Action Plan (PAN). The club decided to convert   are hollow cored once a year using 16mm tines
          the greens and surrounds on the Verde course into   at 5cm centers. Topdressing is applied to greens
          bermuda grass in 2016 using Miniverde on the   every 2 to 4 weeks during the growing season.
          greens and Patriot in the surrounds. The Verde   Topdressing is applied to fairways only after au-
          course is maintained in accordance with Biogolf   tumn overseeding. No herbicides, fungicides, in-
          protocols. Management practices are divided   secticides or plant growth regulators have been
          into normal maintenance on the Bianco and Ros-  applied to the greens, fairways or tees. A wetting
          so courses and Biogolf protocols on the Verde   agent is applied to the greens on a monthly basis
          course. The major limiting factor in maintenance   throughout the year. Spring dead spot damage
          is manpower and the maintenance programs   (Photo 3) was observed on all turf areas two years
          are adjusted to this limit. Fairways and tees on   after conversion. The overall area affected by the
          all courses are mowed at 14mm on average twice   disease is small although  disease patches have
          a week with verticutting every two weeks. Clip-  been heavy in certain areas. The disease though
          pings are dispersed by blowing cut areas. Bermu-  unsightly has so far not affected playing condi-
          da greens are mowed daily during the growing   tions adversely. There are no fungicides currently
          season at 2,5mm with light verticutting every   registered in Italy against this disease. Localised
          two weeks. In the normal maintenance programs   aerification on affected areas has increased re-
          fertilizer applications are applied using visual ob-  covery. All bermudagrass areas are overseeded
          servation and soil analysis. In the Biogolf main-  in September. The fairways, tees and surrounds
          tenance program fertilizer is applied on a year   are overseeded with perennial ryegrass and the
          round basis due to the slow availability of organic   greens  are  overseeded  with  rough  bluegrass.
          nitrogen. It has been necessary to apply mineral   Cutting heights are raised on all areas and light
          fertilizer when growth has been unacceptable at   applications of fertiliser are applied to aid estab-
          peak growth periods of the year. A maximum of   lishment. In the spring, the overseeded species
          four non organic product applications are permit-  are transitioned out by lowering cutting heights
          ted under the Biogolf protocols. Irrigation is ap-  and minimum use of irrigation. No herbicides are
          plied as necessary based on visual appearance   currently registered in Italy to aid with spring or

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