Page 36 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 36
Bermudagrass Maintenance
above the 45 Parallel
Brian Óg O’Flaherty, Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Land Hort), Master of Science
Maintaining turfgrass to a suitable standard for are used to help with certain annual maintenance
the game of golf in a transition climate zone is operations.
highly challenging. In Italy, this challenge is in- During the hotter months of the year the course
creased by high player expectations of course suffered summer decline in all areas and at the
conditions, relatively modest resources for golf end of August the condition of the fairways was
course maintenance and increasing restrictions on no longer acceptable for play (Photo 1). The club
pesticide use. began evaluating warm season turf species in the
Golf della Montecchia is a 27 hole facility, cover- course nursery in 2003. These trials were done
ing 82 hectares situated at 45°23’N, 11°45’E (Fig. with the Italian Golf Federation and the Universi-
1). The climate is typical of the transition zone; ty of Pisa and concluded in 2007. Bermuda spp.,
hot summers with maximum temperatures above Zoysia spp., Paspalum spp., Kikuyu and Centi-
30°C and cool winters with minimum tempera- pede grass were among the species evaluated.
tures below 0°C. The course was constructed in Evaluations over the duration of the trial showed
1992 and seeded with bentgrass greens and tees Bermuda grass to be the species most adapted to
and a mix of perennial ryegrass, smooth stalked the climate at Montecchia. In 2010, the club be-
meadowgrass and red fescue in the fairways gan to convert the fairways (Photo 2, page 33) on
and rough. The greenkeeping team consists of the first nine holes to bermuda grass (var. Patriot).
a superintendent, 5 full time greenkeepers and In 2011, this project was expanded to include the
a mechanic. During the busier months the team tees. The third nine holes were completed in 2012.
is assisted by 4 part time staff. Local contractors The use of pesticides became more restricted af-
Figure 1 Golf della Montecchia geographical position. Photo 1 Unacceptable fairway conditions.