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                                             Da sinistra in senso orario, la palestra outdoor, l’area a orto, il Percorso della
                                             Bicicletta e le aiuole della vista (in primo piano) e dell’olfatto (sullo sfondo).
                                             Clockwise from the left, the outdoor gym, the vegetable garden, the Bicycle Path
                                             and the flowerbeds of sight (in the foreground) and of smell (in the background).

            t  by the flowing movements of true grasses and perennial   A circular area is the vegetable garden and the orchard, where
            grasses (Verbena bonariensis, Pennisetum spp. and Echina-  the following is located: overhanging horticulture tables; flow-
            ceae), which are meant to stimulate touch and sight.   er containers of various heights that can be enjoyed also by
            The outdoor gym is located in the middle of the garden; it is   patients in a wheelchair; a mechanical pergola-curtain; tables
            used in good weather for exercising alone or with the help of   and seats. Alongside a wall of stretched sheet metal, the flow-
            physiotherapists: it has been changed according to the needs   erbed of taste (with strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrant,
            of users, agreeing the new configuration with the staff. Plants   gooseberries, blackberries) marks the beginning of the Route
            of white and pink Gaura have been laid along the area, alter-  of the Five Senses, with stimulating plants for the residents
            nating with Muhlenbergia capillaris and Stipa tenuissima.   of the facility: there is a flowerbed of sight  (with Rosa ‘Les

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