Page 48 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 48


          trial has been established in a naturalized rough  will be measured during the spring, and dry mass
          dominated by tall fescue at Golf della Montecchia.  of tall fescue and R. alectorolophus will also be de-
          Four treatments were compared: 1. plot seeded  termined. The assumption is that hemiparasites can
          with R. alectorolophus without spring fertilization;  reduce biomass production and vertical growth of
          2. plot seeded with R. alectorolophus and fertilized  grasses, helping the spontaneous establishment of
          in spring; 3. plot without R. alectorolophus and fer-  new species.
          tilized in spring; 4. plot without R. alectorolophus
          without  spring  fertilization  (control).  Rhinanthus
          alectorolophus  was seeded in November 2018,  References
          and spring fertilization consisted in 60 kg/ha of
          N using urea. Plots are arranged in a randomized   Heyduk S., Pornaro, C., Macolino S., 2018. Hemiparasitic
          complete block design with three replications. Rhi-  plants for suppressing tall fescue in golf roughs: preliminary
                                                  results of using Rhinanthus alectorolophus. Proceedings of 6
          nanthus alectorolophus plants will be counted, the   ETS Conference Different shade of green, Manchester, UK,
          height of tall fescue and R. alectorolophus plants   2 -4  July 2018.

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