Page 46 - Transitioning Turfgrass
P. 46


          not be clearly traced, the connection between the  tecchia and the Butterfly Arc is a case in point.
          destruction of natural habitats and the drastic di-  Aiming to propose ecological, sustainable mod-
          minuition and even the extinction of many species  els for playing golf, the project will create an en-
          is straightforward. Butterflies are a case in point;  vironment on a human scale that is respectful
          they are considered optimal indicators of the state  of wildlife;  it proposes popular indicators that
          of health of a natural environment; the presence  are easily understandable by everyone, such as
          of large quantities and many different species in  the presence of butterflies and bees together
          an area clearly testifies to the good health of that  with pollinators and entomofauna repesenting a
          ecosystem. Even apparently positive changes  large part of the planet’s  living organisms. This
          such as forest restoration or wider use of intensive  explains the need to monitor some species that
          farming have led to a drastic decrease in many  are more representative of insects and  pollina-
          butterfly species habitating mixed or calcareous  tors. The methodology to be used, which has al-
          meadows and grasslands, described in the Hab-  ready been tested, will be able to underscore the
          itats Directive, as important areas of biodiversity  value of biodiveristy.  The two families of insects
          that must be protected.                 that were examined for this use were the cole-
          Actions that seek on the one hand to protect bio-  opterous (Carabidae) insects and the dipterous
          diversity and on the other to avoid creating wastes  ones. The latter were chosen because although
          that are damaging to protected areas must re-  they are able to represent different types of eco-
          place anthropic activities and using soil in such a  systems including aquatic ones, they are more
          way that it is inaccessible to other organisms (e.g.  representative of pollinators. The Syrph the
          urbanization  and  intensive  farming).  Measures  Net database will be utilized. The project also
          that can help to educate the general public on this  intends to  introduce native plants that will not
          subject and interventions that can be positioned  only attract pollinators and enhance biodiversity
          in  places  and  at  times  during  which  most  peo-  but also beautify the area. Finally, the project is
          ple are receptive also need to be planned. Last,  planning to create an educational platform by
          but not least, programs monitoring the habitat’s  positioning natural artifacts at specific points in
          health will be able to contribute to favoring and  the golf course, including bee hives for local hon-
          increasing its biodiversity.            ey production, to draw golfers’ attention to the
          The project being developed by Golf della Mon-  environment’s natural beauty.

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